The baby Jesus was kidnapped from the local nativity scene in the sleepy suburb in Alicante and the ransom of €2000 was set. No, this is not a scene from the 4th installment of “Dumb and Dumb” franchise, but a real event.
In a bizarre turn of events that left the town of Sant Vicent del Raspeig in Alicante perplexed and amused, two youngsters pulled off the Christmas caper of the year by kidnapping the baby Jesus from the local nativity scene.
Their audacious move reached new heights of eccentricity as they demanded a 2,000 euros ransom, showcasing their mischievous adventure on the social media platform TikTok.
This story was first make public with a TikTok account boldly named ‘Kidnappers of San Vicente,’ where two young culprits, shrouded in mystery with black balaclavas and hooded jackets, teased the Local Police with their ransom demand. In a display of apparent dissatisfaction with the police’s custodial skills, the youngsters asserted that the baby Jesus needed better care and vowed to cause him harm if their rarnsom demands were not fulfilled. “Tonight, he sleeps with us,” they declared ominously.
The accompanying video, a production reminiscent of a low-budget thriller, showcased the baby Jesus held hostage on a bed surrounded by 10 and 20 euro bills. The video concluded with the thieves snatching the sacred figurine and stashing it away in the trunk of a vehicle.
As the news of this strange Christmas caper spread like wildfire, the City Council of Sant Vicent del Raspeig expressed its concern and awaited a “prompt resolution” to the incident. Municipal sources regretted the damage caused and assured that security forces had initiated necessary procedures to unravel the mystery. Despite the chaos, the council pledged to ensure the normal progression of Christmas celebrations.
The City Council didn´t offer to pay the ransom, informing the police instead, against the kidnappers advice.
Days later, the plot took an unexpected twist as the baby Jesus miraculously reappeared, snugly tucked beside a container. The Local Police confirmed the return of the “kidnapped” figure, putting an end to the town’s collective perplexity. The mayor of Sant Vicent del Raspeig, Pachi Pascual, confirmed the discovery of the baby Jesus next to a container at 8 pm on the fateful night. Remarkably, the figurine appeared unharmed, prompting its swift replacement in the nativity scene.

Soon after, the alleged perpetrators, aged 19 and 21, were arrested.
The youngster duo, residents of the town, faced an intriguing turn of events themselves. Having spent a night in the cell, they appeared before the Court of Investigation on duty in Sant Vicent on Monday morning. Released pending trial, they stood accused of theft, a strange charge considering that they also attempted to extort 2,000 euros for the return of the baby Jesus.
In a statement from the City Council, it was revealed that the apprehended individuals had acknowledged responsibility for their audacious act during their statements at the police station. The nativity scene, nestled between Pintor Sorolla and Lillo Juan streets, became the stage for a drama that unfolded on social media and ended with the perpetrators daringly returning the figurine to its rightful place.
The town, still recovering from the unusual holiday heist, found itself torn between relief and amusement. This event added a dash of excitement to the otherwise tranquil holiday season in Sant Vicent del Raspeig. As the town recovers from the yuletide spectacle, the story of the kidnapped baby Jesus and its devious ransom demand will likely linger in the minds of residents, adding an unexpected twist to their annual festivities.
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