We’d like to thank all of our readers for their support throughout this difficult year. We wish you a prosperous and happy New Year. It doesn’t have to be the best ever, just better than the last two we had..
We are leaving behind another difficult and chaotic year and looking forward to 2022, hoping that it will be better than the previous two. But, despite the fact that it was not good, 2021 was far from boring. Looking back on 2021, we’d like to highlight a few key moments.
The current year saw the start of a massive investment cycle in the metro network, the construction of a controversial Turianova complex with a new shopping center, the reconstruction of Ruzafa’s largest park, renovations on the Plaza de la Reina, the reconstruction of Mercado Central, the repurposing of Calatrava’s Agora, renovation of Mercado Grao, and Mercado Cabañal, the start of the Valencia Arena complex, and finally, the construction of the new Metro line.
This year was also marked by announcements of future projects that may or may not take place, such as the final repairs of a forgotten Sociopolis barrio, the construction of the Wind Tower, the renovation of Valencia’s derelict areas such as Casitas Rosas, the burying of railway tracks as part of the Garcia Lorca boulevard reconstruction, the planned reconstruction of the New Turia bed, and the Valencia Park and Ride initiative.
We attempted to cover the property market as well, writing about the moratorium on tourist apartments in Valencia, vulture funds entering the market, abandoned properties, and the best property search sites in Valencia, amongst other things
We covered some important art, culture, and entertainment news, as well as What’s on in Valencia, to highlight some of the events not to be missed.
And you have rewarded us for our efforts. From the 15th of March, when we launched this site, to the present, we have had 166.000 views and 36.000 users, and our domain rating has risen to 30. For a site that has only been up for 9 months, these are impressive figures. And a fantastic New Year’s resolution.
We are hopeful that 2022 will be a better year. A year in which we can finally stop worrying about our health, travel freely, and enjoy this beautiful town as we should.
We’re feeling upbeat and have big plans. We intend to launch a newsletter, an online Valencia shop (dedicated to all things Valencian), and to franchise. While still attempting to provide the most recent news in Valencia that are relevant to all foreigners and ex-foreigners in our city who prefer their news in English.
We hope you have big plans too, and that they will come to fruition. Happy New Year, and many thanks for your support.
© Looking Back On 2021 – Valencia News – Valencian.es
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